So I put up and old picture on the E&A Face Book page and it got me to thinking about Mikey and the hair issue people had with him. When people started saying mean and hurtful things to him one of the comments we would laugh at was how some only saw him with a buzz cut, never completely ball shaven head, but that buzz shorter than military cut style. Now if you can see in this picture, which is a bit hard you can tell he had hair. If you go and look at many of the pictures I have taken he only had the buzz cut from about age 13 to 17. Now I think beside that fad or style of the time he was also breaking and I don’t see alot of people who spin on there head with longer hair. Not that some of you might not have longer hair I just don’t remember it. So when people would send mail or emails about just a synopsis “If you come back here I’ll —- you and I hate your hair too, Go back to a hip hop, Cut your hair, Why do you want to look like —–” I would always tell Mikey I guess they have never seen you, he would says ya when I was young. Then we would says you’ve always had long hair, I would remind him that he was 3 before I got his hair cut and then I keep his hair and cried that he had decided it was time to get it cut and how. Even as a small child you couldn’t get him to do things any way but his. Thanks for reading, listening, and you love. Love Kathy

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Good morning Kathy,
I have tried to squeeze time ,find courage from the day Eyedea passed away to write, to express, to understand why our love ones passed away. It is a feeling that I can’t explain when in the morning i found out about your son. I cried because i knew I was connected to him without even seeing him live at a show nor met him in person but the connection is there.
I first heard of Eyedea and Abilities through atmosphere but what got me more was the E & A, which stands for Equality and Anarchy for me and many others, not anarchy in the way media portrays as chaos. But the unity, conscious, the self-auto organization to understand each other and create a better world in which Eyedea created and expressed in his songs for me. As everything changes, I knew I could relate to Mikey because not everything is fixed as time conflicts with us (not all the time). So we learned to cope with what we have and if we feel empty because someone has left us, for me, I would like to see it as Eyedea and my loved ones still live within me because of what they have taught me. The lessons learned that live within me, is like a seed that is water by the rain, fed by the sun, cultivated with love and is flourishing as weather changes so I don’t feel alone Kathy.
Eyedea, Mikey, has been a great influence in my life not to just listen and understand, but to question life of what is made for. His hair, regardless of what he looked like in the outside I know he had a great heart, a huge heart for who he cared for. And I have long hair, down to my waist and do remember my phases where I needed a beanie to control my hair since it made me look like a Lion. Then it got to my shoulders and long enough to put it on a pony tail. The reason I have long hair is because i saw it as a connection to nature and other people, just as music connects us regardless of our race, color, dislikes, likes, food, pets, favorite movie, record, etc. we are a part of this universe. No matter where I went, I was looked at differently because of my “changing” style but still the same person just learning about life. I am currently 25 years old but have an old soul, feels like ive grown too fast at this age, and thoughts I have are very you can say, “wise” but yet Im a student, a teacher, a brother, a uncle, a friend and most of all myself. Something that Mikey did very well, a perfectionist. I bet you are proud of. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, feelings and moments you had with Mikey, I am pretty sure he is really proud of you and his energy still around. My condolences to you and your family that still misses Mikey and wanted to share this art piece I did, hope you like it and stay strong Kathy, even if I have not met you, we have that connection that Mikey was talking about and sharing.