Well in a new post about fire I put out on all the pages I was asked if Mikey ever went to college. Well the answer is yes and no. When he graduated from high school, him and Maxx were touring. I told Mikey he had to take at least one class, just to see what it’s like and I really felt if he didn’t try he would never go. He complained but did what his mom wanted most of the time. So what we did was me, my mom and Mikey took a philosophy class. We went to the first class, you know how that goes. You get the course requirements, meet your classmates, and play those get to know you games. When the class ended we went to the prof and Mikey asked about doing the work on tour and not physically being at all the classes, we also told him I would be donating a kidney and out for awhile. The prof like many of them, are a little big for their britches, so he was there is no way you can pass the class without being here for every class. Mikey said look I can pass any of your tests right now. I prof was I don’t think so, why do you think that. Mikey’s answer was cuz I’m smarter than you. Of course that pissed off the prof and he gave Mikey the final. Well in about 20 mins Mikey was done. And guess what he only got ONE, yes one wrong. He never went back, and it became a joke on “how my mom made me go to college, but I was smarter than the teacher”. My kid was quite the funny one, even smarter than the teacher. Thank you Love Kathy

Haha, figures. You know I’m actually kind of surprised he got one wrong.
thanks for sharing that story, it made me laugh.
haha! thats awesome. Such a great story. made me smile 🙂
While I didn’t know Michael personally, I had the pleasure of meeting him during his Appetite for Distraction tour. Thank you for sharing this story, as it validated the assumptions I’d had from listening to the music. I can’t tell you how much it influenced/guided me as a groping young adult and blew away any pre-concieved notion of how deep “rap” and “SLAM-style” poetry could get. In fact, I simply put my poet’s pen down and began writing non-fiction: Micheal’s lyrics held the perfection of everything I could aspire to create!
Kathy, this story really brightened my day and I’m very glad you shared it. Every time I read one of your stories about Mikey I always get the biggest smile on my face and tears well up in my eyes. Although I only met him once, he really has made an impact on the way I live my life. Thank you so much for sharing stories like this because they really can turn a person’s day around.
Einstein nearly flunked math in school, because he saw the world differently.
Ahead of his time, and any institution is built on history, not often the future.
Some do, some teach, the rest look up.
Wish my brother Goose was here… 373034 <3