Summer break
Hi there world, for those who read my funny/crazy/vents/stories I though on this second day of break I would talk about some of the summers Mikey had as a kid. Like most of us I worked summer before I entered the education system. So for summers as most of us know is a long time to find things for kids to do. Mikey had different baby sitters, most were older kids who lived here for one reason or another. I would enroll him in programs that he was interested in. He took a special effects class at the science museum, some summers I would work part time and we would spend either the morning doing things like going to different parks, we would go to the old churches, take advantage of the free days at art museums, hang out at book stores, there is a lot you can do that doesn’t take much money or time. He spent one summer doing karate, he went three times a day and would get upset if he couldn’t. We would take at least two drives a week and just talk. We would play car games, like the alphabet one where you have to find the letters in things out side the car. Maxx and I played it on the way home the first winter holiday after Mikey passed. Of course there was always skate boarding, bike riding, fort building, Mikey even built a couple of bikes. He spent time at his grandparents business building with his uncle Todd, boating with his aunt Renee, playing with the dog. That’s what summer were filled with when Mikey was a child. I hope you find things that bring you close to those you know, a bit of fun and interest, and most of all some sense of calm. Love Kathy
Who named her Mijah, awesome name.