



















So it’s been a while since I have put anything up here. I have no excuse but something life. I have been spending only a few hours a day doing many things I want to get done. So I do a couple hours of picture scanning, job searching, house and yard work, posting and then I’m wiped. But as I have been scanning show and personal pictures I thought I would share a few with you. I tried to put them in by where I wanted to talk about them but that wouldn’t work. So as this is now the 2nd time I’m writing I think they will just come at the beginning and hopefully so will the numbers and I’ll number the writing. Here’s hoping it works. Mikey between 2 and 6 years old. Enjoy

1. Is around age 2 and he has 2 yes 2 light sabers. That’s his uncle’s hand cuz Mikey is showing him how to use it. If I remember right Mikey didn’t like how my brother was holding it and Mikey had to show him how. He got such a laugh at how my brother was doing. I’m pretty sure my brother was doing it wrong on purpose just to get Mikey laughing and to correct him. They did that a lot to each other.

2. Mikey on his big wheel turtle with my sunglasses on. This was at my grandparents house and Mikey could ride for hours around the house. He would go from the sun porch through the living room and dining room into the kitchen. Then do it all over again. He loved running or riding all over the house.

3. Just one of the many days/nights that he would sleep. You can see he’s super tired but wont give in or up to going to bed. He was/is like his mom I never liked to go to bed as a kid. It was a fight between my folks and me then moved to me and Mikey having the same trouble. The mother’s cruse you get a kid worse than you. Remember that world when you have kids at least one will be worse than you were.

4. This is one of those time when Mikey heard Jimmy (his godfather) voice after he had been in bed. When ever Jimmy came by even if Mikey was asleep he would hear him, get out of bed and coming running to him. They loved each other so much. Which is the reason why I made the rule that if you woke him up you had to get him back to bed. Sometimes that would be really hard but I stuck to it.

5. Around 3 he got one of those Alphie learning games. This was one of the first interactive computer learning games. Now of course there are lots of them but back then very few. It taught you simple math, spelling, and the fun things. He carried it around with him so it was good entertainment.

6. One of the few times Mikey ate sweets. Yes it is a powered donut, standing on the kitchen chair. The no ones prefect sign in the back ground was mine since the late 70’s and it now has a home in a friends house. I gave it to her last year when I started decreasing the things in my house.

7. This one is about age 6 when we first moved into the house I still live in. He is standing by one of his favorite chairs. A pink wicker rocker. We painted it pink. It is from my families cabin and was a baby blue but Mikey didn’t like the color. So we spray painted it pink, at the time it was his favorite color.

8. So this one is Mikey and my dad. They loved to laugh together. Sometimes they would do little things to get the other to laugh. Mikey had such a great laugh. I miss that.

9. Mikey and Barb at her house. Barb’s mom was one of my best friends for a long time, she is gone now. I sure miss her.

10 and 11 the last two pictures I didn’t number because it puts them all in a row, which is not how I wanted them set up. So the one of the left is from softball. Again Mikey and Barb, we spent lots of time in the summers with the guys playing softball. Tournaments, week nights and weekends. Mikey is standing on the Como Park fields sign. He always climbed on everything. One of the reasons we built him a loft bed.

The picture on the right is one of the first bike ramps Mikey built. He was always building something. Ramps, forts, snow forts, rooms, studios, and many other things.

So there you go a little bit of the many thousands of pictures I have, am scanning and will someday do something with. Thank you all for the amazing support for all the things we are doing, the events we have done and the ones to come, the music, the poetry books, and the art. I thank you for all the amazing tributes, tattoos, naming your next generations, and the amount of you who visit the park. I would say there hasn’t been a time when a family member has been to the bench and there are flowers, books, cig, picture at the bench. THANK YOU

Love Kathy

This Article Has 13 Comments
  1. David says:


    Thank you so much for keeping this website running. I remember when Michael passed I was really broken up and reading your thoughts on his Facebook page helped me through what was kind of a rough time for me–and certainly a very rough time for you. I didn’t know about this website until I stumbled on it today….Michael was so special that it felt like he should not be confined by the bounds of mortality….Reading this website helps me feel like he lives on in your thoughts about him and those of his fans….Again, thank you.

  2. Darius Miller says:

    I wish I could have met Mikey. Honestly, he and I have a lot in common, and I’m not just saying that to sound cool. He and I both have very similar views of the world and I always wondered what made me think the way I did. I don’t think I’ll ever find it out. But, rest assured, I’m trying to make it into the music business, and one of the tours I plan on doing is the Michael’s Eyedeas tour, to pay tribute to a wonderful man who’s music helped me through so much. I have other plans for that, but if my music doesn’t pay off, my art will 🙂 keep your head up Kathy, because later in life, I have something for you that I hope will help ease the pain a bit.

    • KathyAverill says:

      Thank you I hope you make what ever form of art that can bring happiness to those around you and yourself. Art is a tough life but it makes the world a better place. Love Kathy

  3. Brandon Buckingham says:

    Hey Kathy, i had some questions regarding micheal, could you send me an email? I’d really appreciate it.

  4. dylan says:

    That is the coolest sweater he is wearing in number six, my brother looked a lot like him around that same age.

  5. KathyAverill says:

    Well than I would say your brother’s pretty cute. Thanks for reading and visiting. Love Kathy

  6. Alexander says:

    Greatest contribute to life. Mikey lives on forever.

  7. dylan says:

    Thank you Kathy, I appreciate your words dearly. Love Dylan

  8. Levi says:

    Reading your post just made my chest heave with loss and grief. I have never been able to come close to understanding the loss a parent may feel until I have had a son of my own. When I think of what you must have gone through it makes me stricken. I never met Michael but his music and perspective spoke to me and the news of his passing was a terrible shock and is a tragedy. My heart goes out to you and your family and I thank you so much for continuing to share your memories and photos with this community. While it can never come close to being a condolence, please know that your son has reached many people, continues to influence their lives, and every day he is missed. Again, thank you so much for sharing such a personal perspective of an amazing person.

  9. Sarah says:

    I cried three times reading this, i love old pictures. i wish i could have known mikey. i know a lot of people wish that. i’ve always climbed on everything, too and that picture of him on the sign made me really happy

  10. Alisha says:

    My husband wrote to you about a year and a half ago thanking you for everything and letting you know how much mikeys passion impacted our lives, and that we named our son Eyedea, after the love that Mikey has brought in the world. Anyways we had gotten your package in the mail, thank you so much for everyhing and our son is just now getting the size to fit in the onsie! Thank you for it all, I cried when I saw the piece of his desk you put in there.. Thank you for all the thought.
    Lets talk soon
    Much love

    – Alisha, Nick & Eyedea Nothem-

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